Sign In/Up with USCGAUX
Sign Up/In with USCGAUX
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Welcome to the Flotilla 7-11, District 1NR Web Site


 USCG Auxilary at Work

Welcome to the USCGAUX


Flotilla 7-11


Since its founding by an Act of Congress in 1939, the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary has established a proud tradition of supporting the Coast Guard in accomplishing its mission.
Qualified Auxiliarists teach basic boating safety and seamanship skills to the general boating public. We are also involved in marine safety patrols, search and rescue, and environmental protection surveys. Other activities include conducting free vessel safety checks on paddlecraft and recreational vessels of any size to ensure that they comply with all Federal and State regulations.


Members can obtain access to the Members Only page by logging into the MEMBER ZONE with their Member ID and Password.

If the member does not currently have a password, one can be obtained at the following URL:

Of course, the member will have to know their Auxiliary Employee ID and primary valid email address as entered in AuxData in order to obtain a password.

               Approval Logo 2017                            

Members will have access to what is currently recorded in Auxdata/Auxinfo, as well as what is recorded for immediately preceeding years.

Members Only Access to CG Site

Access to the site for Mandatory Training also requires a username & password

The username is, however, the primary email address in AUXDATA.

The password is obtained by clicking on "I forgot my password".  A temporary password will be sent to the primary email address. 

This temporary password is then used to log into  at which time the user will be directed to input a permanent password of at least 14 characters